Donation Page: How to donate, what you can get
Click the button below to donate.
You may donate with or without a perk request. The following perks will be permitted for donations...
- 10000 yen per $1 USD (max: 1 million yen per month)
- 1 freebie per $1 USD (max: 10 freebies total) for NEW characters.
- 1 freebie per $2 USD (max: 10 freebies total) for EXISTING characters (with reset of attacks, equipment).
- 1 freebie per $4 USD (max: 10 freebies total) for EXISTING characters (with no reset of equipment).
- 1 growth point per $1 USD (max: 10 growth points total)
- Access to a restricted, non-legendary species: $10 (repeated)
- Evolution to the next species in your current chain: $5
- Ditto: New form (non-restricted species only): $5
- Ditto: New form (restricted and non-legendary): $10
- Other perk requests: varies
And now the restrictions:
- If you buy freebies for an existing character and want to rechargen, your attacks, equipment, and freebies will be wiped and you will be set invalidated. You can then rebuild. You will NOT lose puppets, items, yen, or XP.
- You can buy up to 10 growth points, but are limited to buying up to 200% growth total.
- Legendary species must still be apped for, whether you donate for it here, or not.
I've decided to keep this program in place indefinitely, however, I (Alynna) reserve the right to refuse any request, especially if it would be game-breaking. Do NOT donate expecting to get your request, this is not a store. Donate to donate to the game and I am likely to acquiese to your perk request if it fits within the given guidelines or is a reasonable request. I will never refund a donation, because this is for donating first. If you are donating just for a perk, you are doing it for the wrong reason. That being said, talk to me in game if you are going to make an unusual perk request for a donation.
If you are requesting a perk, there is a location to write it in on the donation form. Please put it there, and also page me with it.